Repair Restrooms B-3001
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Tinker AFB
Air Force Contracting
HGL Construction served as the prime contractor on this project to demolish and renovate four restrooms and an adjacent janitor’s closet in Building 3001 on Tinker AFB. Since Building 3001 remained occupied during construction and to minimize disruption to the adjacent operation, HGL divided the work into two distinct renovation phases.
The scope of work consisted of installing a floor, lintel patches, new walls, doors, fixtures, and finishes; installing a new exhaust system, fixtures, and plumbing; installing new fire alarm fixtures and sprinkler system, extensions, and sensors; and installing electrical outlets, lights, and sensors.
Because Building 3001 serves as an aircraft maintenance and production facility, HGL worked in and traveled through areas near operational and production aircraft. As a result, HGL provided complete FOD (Foreign Object Debris) awareness and prevention training for all personnel and subcontractors to ensure and enforce industry safety practices, FOD requirements, and quality control of the job site. Additionally, HGL provided operation and maintenance training for shop personnel.
Work performed around areas near operational and/or production aircraft or related components
Work performed around asbestos
Work performed within a tight area
Work required stringent industry safety practices and complete FOD awareness and prevention training